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Leptin Analogue |
E-Newsletter No. 2
Lee-Benner Institute (LBI) research has uncovered a dramatic new hormone-like substance that reduces subcutaneous fat deposits. By sequencing a chain of amino acids at a protein producing laboratory, LBI has been able to create an oral analogue (similar in function, but not in origin or structure), of the anti-obesity hormone, leptin. This is a hormone that affects the brain’s appetite control center and can knock an average of 4 pounds off people in a month.
Serum leptin concentrations reflect the size of the subcutaneous fat depot better than total fat mass or abdominal visceral fat. At the initiation of puberty, there is a divergence in circulating leptin between boys and girls. In boys, leptin concentrations increase and then markedly decrease to prepubertal concentration levels. In girls, there are only increasing concentrations. It is believed these patterns are relevant to the markedly different alterations in the regional distribution of body fat that occurs in boys and girls at puberty.
Human obesity is more closely linked to leptin resistance than to the absence of leptin. Obese human patients do not have depleted leptin levels in their blood streams. In fact, the heavier the person, the higher the levels. Still, that does not rule out the idea that leptin might work as a fat-loss therapy. Patients with adult-onset diabetes make insulin, but develop a resistance to the insulin hormone that can sometimes be overcome by oral hypoglycemic agents.
In the same way, supplementing the new leptin analogue can override the relative resistance to the body’s own naturally produced leptin hormone.
Replacement therapy with human growth hormone (hGH) [Click here for information on Human Growth Hormone] makes the individual more sensitive to leptin therapy. Growth hormone significantly reduces intra-abdominal visceral fat. Leptin, used in concert with hGH, affects the total fat mass by significantly reducing subcutaneous fat deposits. When used without the benefit of hGH injections, leptin given alone to a group of people with a common variety of obesity was relatively ineffective in most of them.
However, the net effect of combining leptin with hGH replacement therapy is remarkable. The cosmetic appearance is as though a human lathe was applied to trim away unwanted fat deposits such as "love-handles", cellulite, and "saddle-bags". This occurs gradually over a few months period of use without any invasive, painful, and expensive surgery such as liposuction.
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