In 1970, Dr. Lee-Benner decided from his years of study and clinical trials that aging is a fatal disease. It is a disease that is an inevitable, incurable process of physical decline, illness, and frailty, ultimately leading to death. Moreover, he learned many are aging faster than the average rate of aging. This is called “accelerated aging.” Largely overlooked, this condition is either feared, ignored, or just plainly misunderstood.
From that time he has been spending his research efforts on discovering and perfecting techniques with which to treat and prevent these changes related to aging. In order to promote youthfulness well into advanced age, he found that traditional methods popularly practiced,” the conventional wisdom,” of diet and exercises were not enough. It was then that he proposed the “Growth Hormone Hypothesis,” stemming from the neuroendocrine changes he observed occurring while studying his patients as they grew older. He discovered growth hormone deficiency to be a prevalent factor in many of his patients, and decided this might be a novel means to combat one aspect of aging. He theorized that in addition to Free Radical Damage, and Immune Decline, there must also be Neuroendocrine
Decline. So, he started testing his patients for human growth
hormone deficiency, and treating those found deficient with human growth hormone. The results were significant improvements in lean body mass, bone density, immune function and fat loss, as well as an improvement in mental attitude (by quality of life measurements). That was long ago, requiring growth hormone which had to be extracted from cadavers, was difficult to obtain, obviously scarce, and very costly.
As an alternative, he began offering his patients treatments from a class of drugs that are FDA approved for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease called dopamine-agonists. These, he found would stimulate the brain’s release of its own store of growth hormone. He also instituted the use of amino acid supplements that were known precursors to brain neurotransmitters which enhance cognitive function and slow the onset of cognitive decline.
A lot has happened since those early days, and human growth hormone is now manufactured from a recombinant DNA process, making it abundantly available and affordable. In addition, Dr. Lee-Benner instituted the practice of using multiple formulations of anti-oxidant nutritional supplements to treat what was known as ‘The Free Radical Theory of Aging.” This led to him being called “the Longevity/Life-Extension Doctor,” and, some now call him “The Antiaging Doctor.” He continues to evolve, adding new techniques, and calls his practice “Clinical Age Management.” Dr. Lee-Benner is a practicing neuroendocrinologist, psychiatrist, and neuroscientist, with a technical background in biopharmaceutical and clinical research. His medical practice “specializes in treatment for changes related to aging.”
Working in
conjunction with the World Health Foundation, Dr. Lee-Benner also had the opportunity to
develop the state-of-the-art methods to effectively slow down and reverse the effects of
the aging process as well as enhancing vitality. His textbook, Physician's Guide
to Free Radicals, Immunity, and Aging, is being used to teach medical students how to
apply the methods developed at the Lee-Benner Institute in their future practices.
In Dr. Lee-Benner's effort to fight aging, he wrote Turning Back the Aging Clock. This
landmark publication offers a basic program to enable everyone to live younger longer. At
the Lee-Benner Institute in Palm Beach, FL, the doctor treats clients with the
World's Most Advanced Anti-Aging Program. This program includes the following: